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 Explosion en orbite

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 1626
Age : 48
Localisation : Belgique - Hainaut
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2006

Explosion en orbite Empty
MessageSujet: Explosion en orbite   Explosion en orbite Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007 - 14:46

Extrait It was a mystery for almost 24 hours until satellite expert Daniel Deak matched the trajectory of the plume in Palmer's photo with the orbit of a derelict rocket booster--"a Briz-M, catalog number 28944."

One year ago, the Briz-M sat atop a Russian Proton rocket that left Earth on Feb. 28, 2006, carrying an Arabsat-4A communications satellite. Shortly after launch, the rocket malfunctioned, leaving the satellite in the wrong orbit and the Briz-M looping around Earth partially-filled with fuel. On Feb. 19, 2007, for reasons unknown, the fuel ignited over Australia.

source : http://spaceweather.com/

Citation :
ROCKET EXPLOSION: Australian astronomer Ray Palmer was photographing the Southern Cross from his observatory in Western Australia on Feb. 19th when a flaming plume cut across the Milky Way. "I had no idea what it was," he says. "It was moving very slowly and I was able to track it for 35 minutes."

In mid-apparition the object exploded. Gordon Garradd of New South Wales photographed an expanding cloud filled with specks of debris. Tim Thorpe of South Australia saw it, too. "Quite a surreal scene," he says.

What was it? It was a mystery for almost 24 hours until satellite expert Daniel Deak matched the trajectory of the plume in Palmer's photo with the orbit of a derelict rocket booster--"a Briz-M, catalog number 28944."

One year ago, the Briz-M sat atop a Russian Proton rocket that left Earth on Feb. 28, 2006, carrying an Arabsat-4A communications satellite. Shortly after launch, the rocket malfunctioned, leaving the satellite in the wrong orbit and the Briz-M looping around Earth partially-filled with fuel. On Feb. 19, 2007, for reasons unknown, the fuel ignited over Australia.

Jon P. Boers of the USAF Space Surveillance System confirms the ID and notes "later, on the other side of the world, our RADAR saw 500+ pieces in that orbit." Some of the fragments are visible in this movie made by Rob McNaught at the Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia:

"Spica is at the right edge of the animation and the fragments are moving to the north and east," he says.

Eventually, the swarm will sink into the atmosphere, producing a man-made meteor shower--the Briz-M-ids? Stay tuned for updates.

et quelques photos


PS : le fait est suffisammentn rare pour etre signaler, info glanée suite à un post sur FSA Shocked Shocked

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Patrick R7
Patrick R7

Nombre de messages : 9917
Age : 79
Localisation : Forêt de Marly le roi
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2006

Explosion en orbite Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Explosion en orbite   Explosion en orbite Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007 - 15:29

doublemexpress a écrit:
One year ago, the Briz-M sat atop a Russian Proton rocket that left Earth on Feb. 28, 2006, carrying an Arabsat-4A communications satellite. Shortly after launch, the rocket malfunctioned, leaving the satellite in the wrong orbit and the Briz-M looping around Earth partially-filled with fuel
Un étage supérieure encore chargé partiellement d'ergols, et non prévu pour un séjour de longue durée avec ce chargement, doit se dégrader très vite.

"Il y a plus de choses dans le ciel et sur la terre, Horacio, qu'on ne l'imagine dans les rêves de votre philosophie", Hamlet
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Patrick R7
Patrick R7

Nombre de messages : 9917
Age : 79
Localisation : Forêt de Marly le roi
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2006

Explosion en orbite Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Explosion en orbite   Explosion en orbite Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév 2007 - 18:22

doublemexpress a écrit:
... quelques photos

... ainsi qu'un gif


"Il y a plus de choses dans le ciel et sur la terre, Horacio, qu'on ne l'imagine dans les rêves de votre philosophie", Hamlet
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MessageSujet: Re: Explosion en orbite   Explosion en orbite Icon_minitime

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