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 Shenzou 7...le retour

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Shenzou 7...le retour Empty
MessageSujet: Shenzou 7...le retour   Shenzou 7...le retour Icon_minitimeLun 4 Jan 2010 - 13:23

C'est ce matin que l'étage orbital de Shenzou 7 est rentré dans l'atmosphère en désintégrant au dessus du Pacifique:

SHENZHOU 7: According to US Strategic Command, China's Shenzhou 7 spacecraft reentered Earth's atmosphere this morning at 04:09 GMT +/- 2 hours. So far, no one has reported seeing the fireball, probably because the spacecraft disintegrated over a remote area of the Pacific Ocean: map. In Sept 2008, Shenzhou 7 carried three taikonauts (Chinese astronauts) in orbit around Earth and served as a platform for the first spacewalk of China's emerging space program.

Source Spaceweather
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